"Who am I? Why am I here?" - Admiral James Stockdale, 1992 vice-presidential debate, opening line
The title of this blog comes from the age-old question that has been around for millennia: "What is truth?" Is truth absolute, unchanging? Or is it relative to the situation? Men much wiser than I have debated this for centuries, and may debate it for centuries more.
As a seeker of truth, it is easy to be blinded by the fog of the everyday: Work, family, politicians, religion, bills, media, celebrities - the list goes on. Rarely, if ever, does the average person step back and ask themselves why they continue to run on the hamster wheel we call the "modern life".
This is my search for truth through the fog of life. Feel free to join me. I'll never claim to have all the answers. Beware of those that do.